By keef and annie hellinger, Jul 12 2016 09:44AM
The "Talkies" slideshow is below, this covers all our commentary and overwise through out the Scandinavian trip plus we have included what we like to call the Complete slideshow which has verbally an overlay of the Diary as an Audio book.
To read the main blog see Blog 100 - Our Scandinavian trip in 2016, where all the slideshows are available including these, thanks for looking
Norway on a very calm day, views to die for
Note this one is slightly over 1GB and runs for about 30 minutes so consider carefully what you are running it on so as not to "clog up" your airwaves 😉
The rest of the slideshows are attached to Blog 100 Scandinavia
Part 1 is 68 minutes long
28/3/22 now includes audiobook slideshow 1 with denmark & sweden images plus commentary from 8th may to 6th june 2016